Dem Rep. Crockett: Marjorie Taylor Greene Used Racist Trope 'for the MAGA Crowd'
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) used a racist trope at the House Oversight Hearing Committee earlier this week to impress the "MAGA crowd." | Clips
Crockett said, “I think her specifically doing it to me, yes, that was the intent as has been stated women wear makeup, we were lashes, we were all types of things to beautify ourselves. but MAGA has historically been on social media doing the things where they’re saying, ‘Oh, she’s black with lashes and nails and hair, and so she’s ghetto.’ And so, to me, this was her buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplify this for the MAGA crowd. And so, yeah, I absolutely think that she only did it to be racist towards me.”
Tapper said, “Because it was towards you or because it was eyelashes, so in that sense, it’s kind of like, in your view, buying into a racist trope?”
Malcom X referred to people like her as traitors to their race in his political You are a Shump speech. Look how she runs to Trapper to push the DS BS racist lies. Tapper the same Mockingbird fool who will be running the Presidential debate. African Americans are suffering while she and her Plantation Master keep bringing in illegals. There is your sign how little she cares about African Americans.
Here is the Malcom X speech shye needs to listen to and then look in the mirror after listening to it.
She hates American Blacks even more because
they don't celebrate Kwanzaa.
Amen, The fake created in prison holiday.