Not disobedience, it's called exercise of free will. The one I'm interesting in obeying is my Heavenly Father. Like the bible says, it's better to obey God than man.
When I find it, I'll post the link, but it was an interesting rabbit hole that I'd never even considered. Imagine the core of your whole childhood teachings being based on one dude who was playing pretend apostle, and you'll be shocked at this little awakening.
Not disobedience, it's called exercise of free will. The one I'm interesting in obeying is my Heavenly Father. Like the bible says, it's better to obey God than man.
Not Paul tho. "GoVeRnMeNt iS FroM GoD aNd We MuSt ObEy It!"
According to some stuff I've been reading recently, he was a false apostle. And the catholic church heavily uses his work to preach. False prophets?
What do you have? Been thinking this myself and would like some sauce to back it up
Any good suggestions what to read?
When I find it, I'll post the link, but it was an interesting rabbit hole that I'd never even considered. Imagine the core of your whole childhood teachings being based on one dude who was playing pretend apostle, and you'll be shocked at this little awakening.