Q Related: The Joe Rogan w/ Terrence Howard pod hasn't been talked about here. It's a good one! He talks about tones and frequencies, and it goes hand in hand with Q's: "Can music heal" Youtube started suppressing views on it today. (1x1 does not = 2, so you'll have to get passed the first 15 m)
This is a great episode. I never new TH was this intelligent. He was granted patents on many of his research discoveries, so it's not BS.
Fwiw I found the entire thing interesting even the 1x1 thing. I’m not saying I know anything about any of it. However I do know his patent on ar vr as read aloud is an indication that his credibility is fluff. That patent describes something as ambiguous as saying AI is as simple as having a computer read data and return results. It’s an indication to me that if that part of his supposed genius is sensationalized then likely everything else is as well