Peaceful Patriots not only need to be pardoned but also compensated HEAVILY. $100k per year each for unlawful detainment, plus 3x as much from the personal pension(s) and assets of those who unlawfully imprisoned them (From the officers who arrested them, their superiors, the director(s) responsible for their actions all the way up to the judges that convicted them and the Politicians who gave them cover.
Additionally those involved in the illegal arrests and detention should be barred from public pensions and any government employment.
The innocent do not need a pardon. The charges should be dropped and they all should be set free and compensated. Those who all aided in abetted in this Treason and or Sedition on our Nation should all be charged and at trials.
We are witnessing the exposure of the corruption of the courts. When this many courts are corrupt the courts are no longer functioning. Important point and opens the door for Martial Law. By the book.
Peaceful Patriots not only need to be pardoned but also compensated HEAVILY. $100k per year each for unlawful detainment, plus 3x as much from the personal pension(s) and assets of those who unlawfully imprisoned them (From the officers who arrested them, their superiors, the director(s) responsible for their actions all the way up to the judges that convicted them and the Politicians who gave them cover.
Additionally those involved in the illegal arrests and detention should be barred from public pensions and any government employment.
The innocent do not need a pardon. The charges should be dropped and they all should be set free and compensated. Those who all aided in abetted in this Treason and or Sedition on our Nation should all be charged and at trials.
We are witnessing the exposure of the corruption of the courts. When this many courts are corrupt the courts are no longer functioning. Important point and opens the door for Martial Law. By the book.