Laziness can be fall into easible acceptance.
Habitualized laziness affects lack of personal performance in evaluation, discernment, and proper due diligence.
I agree though, fear also closely effects said abilities until we are ready to be put in the mental state to combat these fears. She could've been sympathetic by touching on fear mongering propaganda that was overwhelmingly affecting judgement. All at the same time, officials and media were actively placing disinformation on us. They took away the authority and practices of the President and many experts(invermectin, border/travel closure). They we're exactly trying to see on a grand scale how much they could really get away with and people are still ignorant and in denial to the fact.
Laziness can be fall into easible acceptance. Habitualized laziness affects lack of personal performance in evaluation, discernment, and proper due diligence.
I agree though, fear also closely effects said abilities until we are ready to be put in the mental state to combat these fears. She could've been sympathetic by touching on fear mongering propaganda that was overwhelmingly affecting judgement. All at the same time, officials and media were actively placing disinformation on us. They took away the authority and practices of the President and many experts(invermectin, border/travel closure). They we're exactly trying to see on a grand scale how much they could really get away with and people are still ignorant and in denial to the fact.