I watch the news for the weather reports. But heck, haven't the powers to be turned on a weather makin' machine? Naw, it's the sun waking up and hitting our Earth's weakening magnetic field with a huge amount of EMP material.
Obama and his minions need to visit Gitmo. I cannot wait for the trials to be televised. It will be interesting to see HRC and Barry swing from a gallows. How's neck would snap first?
I watch the news for the weather reports. But heck, haven't the powers to be turned on a weather makin' machine? Naw, it's the sun waking up and hitting our Earth's weakening magnetic field with a huge amount of EMP material.
Obama and his minions need to visit Gitmo. I cannot wait for the trials to be televised. It will be interesting to see HRC and Barry swing from a gallows. How's neck would snap first?
Bet you it's the Kenyan. Hillary is a tough bitch.
BD, you made me chuckle.
Good to laugh.