Example… we the people have a credit card run on JP Morgan Chase (all those stupid credit card mailers we get bombarded with constantly). What if we the people took up their offers em mass, use THEIR money (credit) to support small businesses or pay mortgages or buy basic shit to survive, and NEVER PAY THE BILL! EVER! All at once. All at the same time.
I’m done playing by the rules THEY set up for us. If we can be players in with GME, BUD LIGHT, TARGET. Why can’t WE start to target THEM?
Any company, subsidiary, entity, associate, with links to JP MORGAN CHASE, We the People should target with our power in numbers!
Just an example, but if the system is going to crash anyway, why not start the crash on our terms. Move money from BIG Corporations to Small businesses
Yes and no!
The Big Corporations are not at the top of the pyramid. The really big players are companies like Vanguard and Blackrock. If we just moved from one Big Corporation to another we would just be moving from one branch of Vanguard/Blackrock to another.
I wonder if nationalisation might work. You know how countries like to grab back their, say, oil fields from foreign ownership? I wondered if countries could just take over the Big Corporations. They would need to have a good plan as to how they were going to run them, of course.
Starting with central banks would be a good idea - but probably life-threatening. Depriving the mega-rich of $trillions is not going to be welcomed in certain quarters!
Patron only small local businesses… would that work
I don't know if it would work but that is the direction of travel I would like to see. At the moment, the push is towards removing that group of people and replacing them with a Big Corporation of some sort.
The recent plandemic helped. Visits to the shops became more difficult so home deliveries increased. That benefitted the likes of Amazon and the large supermarkets.
The current system allows a few people to own Vanguard and Blackrock. In fact, those companies have shares in each other. Those companies can then influence the other companies that they own. They can impose all kinds of rules on their owned companies and the effects are passed on to the people. It is another way of controlling the people alongside infiltrating the government.