This video contains a look inside Auschwitz, while it was still in operation. Did you know it contained a soccer field (crowds cheering on the teams) a swimming pool, gardens, a state-of-the-art hospital facility, an ultra-modern dental clinic, fencing tournaments, a nursery for small children?
Total deaths on the tombstones from the Auschwitz KZ Museum have been revised over the years from 4 million down to 1.5 million (it has since been revised down ever further to only 900,000 Jews) This totals 3,100,000 less deaths than originaly reported.
Is the CEO of the Auschwitz KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?
Total deaths in Majdanek have also been lowered over the years with the original count being 2 million Jews, now been revised down to 78,000 deaths. This totals 1,922,000 less deaths than originaly reported.
Is the CEO of Majdanek KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?
If these were not death camps why did so many Jews remain in the camps?
There were approximately 150,000 Jews who were against the spread of bolshevism, but also refused to move elsewhere such as Palestine through the Haavaara Agreement. Jews who refused both options ended up in camps for security concerns.
Most deaths of any individuals in these camps was due to Typhus a disease caused by lice.
This red cross report released in 1979 contained the deaths (issued with death certificates) of all the German controlled labour/containment camps. There were 272,304 deaths in total, with approximately 20,000 of these being Jews.
Conveniently ALL of the alleged "Extermination Camps" including both Auschwitz and Majdanek happened to be located in areas liberated by the Jewish controlled USSR.
Link to map
The Soviet Press provided a list of the 556 important figures of the Soviet Government while identifying their ethnicity. 457 of them were Jews.
You can look at a more detailed list starting on page 61 in this PDF "The Myth of Germain Villainy"
The Soviet Jews denied any access to Western observers until many years later. This gave them sufficient time to modify, destroy and create structures framing the Germans for mass extermination.
This fear of being exposed for the deaths of over 66 million (mainly Christian) Individuals in Russia, forced these Jews to invent the Holocaust blood-libel against the German people - to deflect the world's attention away from the real genocide they had committed under the guise of the "Russian" revolution.
One example was how the civilian population of St Petersburg was reduced from 2.3 million to 830,000 in just 5 years. This was one city.
The tragedy of this Jewish led "Russian Revolution" can't be measured by numbers alone; these people were the best people that Russia had. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors. They were the cream of Russian civilization.
According to Dr Gregor, In Russia by 1921 (this being reported by the Jewish Bolshevik's Cheka published statistics) they had already killed 28 Bishops, 1,215 priests, and 6000 monks (Russian Orthodox Church being one of their first targets.)
The Bolsheviks revolutions will be known to be one, if not the greatest genocides of Christians ✝️ in the worlds history.
Next were the upper Russian classes in which they killed 8,800 doctors/medical assistants, 54,650 Army and Navy Officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant and above), 48,500 lower ranking policemen, 260,000 ordinary soldiers, 361,825 members of the 'intelligentsia," including teachers, professors, engineers, judges and 12,950 large landowners.
In all these cases of mass murder no explanations or reasons were ever given for their murders.
Good luck with this. I've had posts removed from scored for too much noticing. I commend the effort. 👌
Thanks, i know there is a good chance it gets removed but i wont quit trying to present to others a bigger picture.
Can you break this down for me, a bit confused.
So if WW2 was a massacre or Christian’s, which I believe it was through the war on ALL sides, young fighting aged men of their respective country, ripped from their homelands…
doesn’t that put leaders like Adolf Hitler on the controlled opposition/bloodline family side as Q has suggested to us?
As in, he wasn’t killing so many Jews, yet ends up dragging us into the war, and then after it becomes all about the Jews and Israel? Isn’t that what the bloodline families and the Jews want? Even if they did lose some Jews to this plan doesn’t the ends justify the means for them?