I’ve noticed that businesses are up charging for credit cards, incentivizing the use of cash. Especially in these mean economic times. Could this be part of the plan to ween everyone off of using credit cards? Cash puts the power back into the hands of the people. Just a thought
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Using Credit and debt cards cost is 2-4% of the total transaction (fee) for the provider. Which means the buisness is giving up that percentage of the sale to accept your card. These days they are less willing to do that so the customer is now paying for the convenance of using cashless payout rather than the buisness.
Years back I had a retail store and remember paying 10's of thousands each year in fees. Such a scam. And on the other side they are charging the purchaser 18-24% interest on their card.
It will give me great joy to see these fuckers crumble.
I had a business before I retired. I considered credit card fees to be part of the overhead costs and were figured into the cost of services provided. Also gave a discount for cash payment up front, which I suppose is the opposite of charging extra for using the card. I didn't accept American Express though as their fees were exceptionally high compared to other credit cards.
Yeah this is not new, gun stores for example have been doing this for decades. All that you're seeing is fewer businesses being able to just eat the cost.