Our country would be a sovereign country but our government, in relation to the people, is most certainly not. What arrogance. The counties created the states and the states created our government. Our federal government has very limited authority to do only specific things. It ran off those rails a very long time ago.
Our public servants come from the people. The people are almost entirely ignorant about how our government is supposed to work and the very few authorities it has. The people were never meant to be ruled....however, when they become ignorant and don't carefully watch their servants, things go off the rails. And here we are......
Our country would be a sovereign country but our government, in relation to the people, is most certainly not. What arrogance. The counties created the states and the states created our government. Our federal government has very limited authority to do only specific things. It ran off those rails a very long time ago.
Our public servants come from the people. The people are almost entirely ignorant about how our government is supposed to work and the very few authorities it has. The people were never meant to be ruled....however, when they become ignorant and don't carefully watch their servants, things go off the rails. And here we are......