posted ago by PhDinNY ago by PhDinNY +16 / -0

I watched a bit of the Glenn Beck show today, talking about how it is well established that Fauci was fully aware of the Wuhan Lab activities. It was mentioned that Rand Paul is never going to give up on his pursuit to bring light to all things covid, especially Fauci's involvement. Paul has also been outspoken regarding other "swamp" activities in the past. My question is, was the attack on Senator Paul by the neighbor actually a failed assassination attempt, using MKUltra-type means to cause the neighbor to attack him, to stop him from looking into many of the deep state activities? The attack was in 2018, prior to covid, but is it possible they were worried about him back then? It would have been a perfect way to silence the opposition. (or has he just been controlled opposition this whole time?)