His next 4 yrs need to be where the military takes over the US media, and all the talking heads that did russiagate and all the other disinfo that got us here can take a deal and stay on air (Hannity, everyone at CNN, FOX etc), AND EXPLAIN THE LAST 8 YRS THE CORRECT WAY...
...or they can be removed and go to prison with the rest....and then the media basically unravels everything and tells people the actual real story.
- About russiagate / spygate / crossfire hurricane
- Crowdstrike and FBI
- It goes into MONTHS describing the FBI's and CIAs crimes
- How Russiagate was about Trump influencing the election using Russia, which turned out to be false,
- But that the 51 ex-intel officials declaring Hunter Biden laptop fake news was ACTUALLY INFLUENCING THE ELECTION and now it's being prosecuted
Why do this?
To manufacture consent.
(for what comes a year later, which is mass arrests and firings in the US government and military and private industry; and huge numbers of people just up and missing without a trace and a dear john letter basically from Trump's administration saying they were found to be treasonous by a tribunal)
You guys might think: "I don't want to live in a culture where the president acts like a dictator and takes over the news and then brainwashes everyone into thinking a certain way. That's not american"
Yes, I agree. However, that's exactly what has happened. Except replace PRESIDENT in the above with "Unelected Bureacracy" / Administrative State -- and CIA. That's exactly what we have now
You just reverse it in order to correct people's psychologies.
It won't work on YOU. That's because YOU think. YOU passed Millgrams experiment. YOU refused to press the button and deliver the fake fatal charge to kill your neighbor, screaming in the room next door.
YOU are the resistance
The people who follow orders are Millgrams Failures. They are Authoritarians. They are the same as Nazis. Their opinions don't matter, because their opinions are shaped by the Administrative state.
THAT is why if it's ethical/unethical for the CIA to brainwash people thru the media, then it's equally ethica/unethical for the US military directed under TRUMP to do it. What is good for one is good for the other.
It's called FAIRNESS.
The NPCs unlearned, ignorant opinions don't matter. Like Tucker has said, why should we care about the bad opinions of people who don't like us?
We shouldn't.
That's why it's a good thing for Trump to take over the media and unbrainwash (brainwash in reverse) the NPCs who just download culture anyway
You think they will rebel?
AB SO LUTELY they will NOT
How do we know? They accept anything out of the tube by default as true.
Otherwise, why would it be "on the news"
That's how they think.
I think the visible military is Plan B if the DS manage to pull off something really really obviously bad. If we just trundle on towards the election, the plan IMO is to keep the WH military quietly in the background providing the strength and threat of force while a 'civilian' population do the actual optics of the clean-up. So all the arrests have to come through the proper legal course, through the DOJ (seems far off I know but it's gradually happening), through congressional investigations, through the cleaned up state legislatures. The media will be replaced in time efficiently through the developing alternative media who are ready to become mainstream. Parents sacking educational boards, churches and community leaders rising up to make communities safe and ready to be prosperous. It will come first through red states and blue states who want to change, then the blue-print for breakthrough will be more obvious for those lagging. The police, cleaned up so they can provide proper law enforcement for those struggling communities. Many fed govt departments quietly hollowed out so they can't do any more damage. Bad universities closing coz too few want to go there. If you have the military ploughing through communities unless and until it is really necessary due to civil war or fighting in the streets, you won't have the GA we all desire. People will remain passive and be less creative and the void will be filled by opportunists once more ready to manipulate populations. People need to feel they can peacefully rise up and develop their own solutions for themselves, their families and communities. The arrests/prosecutions will be massive in numbers (unless many die through a pandemic or the jabs) but it will be more powerful if most are seen to be dealt with through the criminal justice system. We'd all love to see some gitmo action, maybe we will, but I don't think it will be the norm.
Deep state is neutered. The movie is lagging the reality v
Yes, although there was always the chance of them pulling something bad off even though neutered, That's partly why we pray.