posted ago by ThisIsHowItStarts ago by ThisIsHowItStarts +176 / -1

Ok - I have been here for three years, and collectively I really don’t understand the whole Q thing. The other day I made an off-topic comment, and I was banned for one day. The question the Mods had for me, was…

Do I belong here? OR Do I want to be here?

Now that I’m back, I have sincere questions! I would like to learn more about this, and hopefully people can answer me with integrity instead of making fun of me. I would like to better understand Q and how to decipher information!

(Also - I’m hoping this line of questioning may open up communication to other Anons, who may be too shy or embarrassed to ask. With the latest verdict on Trump, I think we may have more traffic here)

• What I “Think” I Know -

I know that there is a group of people behind the scenes, referred to as Q or the White Hats, that are working towards the betterment of society worldwide - but with a main focus on America?

I know there is Q - and there are Anons - BUT there is NO QAnon. That term was created by MSM to discredit the movement?

I know there is such a thing as a Q Post - and there’s somewhere you can go to look things up. Q has not posted for ~ 2 years now? However; I don’t know where to find this information.

I know that a Delta is a post that lines up with the same date, but was posted years ago. OR a post that aligns with a specific time - like; 8:05 pm = Q Post 805?

When I see a post with a bunch of lines and circles in different colors, I generally pass it up because I don’t understand what any of it means. I find it quite confusing.

I don’t know anything about the Q clock, or diagram that looks like some type of a timeline OR the debt Clock - that so many post about.

If there’s something else I need to know, please let me know. I want to have a better understanding of the topic. Also - if anything I posted above is incorrect please provide me an explanation.

Please and Thank You in Advance 🙏

Side-note: After typing all of this out I’ve realized that my lack of understanding has caused me to be cynical. Hopefully you all can help me remedy this.