posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +113 / -0


  • SSRI antidepressants could cause 'life-changing' sexual problems experts say
  • 1 in 8 people were prescribed antidepressants in the past year according to stats
  • But they can cause serious side effects like libido drop and numb groin areas
  • Many report they no longer experience sexual or romantic attraction at all

Some patients claim the effects have been more persistent and have continued, or even worsened, years after they stopped taking the drugs. Some have had problems for decades.

The symptoms they describe are strikingly similar. Genital numbness – a total lack of sensation around the groin – and for men, erectile dysfunction. Both men and women experience a condition known as anorgasmia – a difficulty in reaching orgasm, and if they do climax, it is weak or without pleasure. As one woman put it: 'It's like a sneeze.'

Many report they no longer experience sexual or romantic attraction at all, and have been left with an emotional numbness. Most have seen relationships collapse as a result, while others have missed out on the chance to have children. Some have never experienced pleasure during sex – called anhedonia – and worry they never will.

Significantly, all have found their symptoms repeatedly dismissed by medical professionals, who insist they are linked to their underlying depression and not the pills.