posted ago by Excelsior ago by Excelsior +129 / -0

First of all, yesterday and today, I received an incredible heartfelt response from all those who reached out here on GAW. The outpouring of support was amazing and brought a tear to my eye. The strength of all your prayers is palpable, and badly needed. Fantastic suggestions all across the board! Thank you.

Secondly, although the medical problems remain, the relationship with my son is better, and he is much more open to getting further care. This is definitely moving the needle in the right direction.

Thirdly, I'll be traveling to see him soon as he lives several states away, and the visit will do us all a world of good. Although the problems aren't resolved, these are terrific first steps. Over time I will periodically keep you posted how things go.

I am deeply grateful for all of you, and blessed by your kindness.