Aha moment - Obama throwback 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by MichaelConservative ago by MichaelConservative +31 / -0

Remember when Obama coined the clever phrase, if you wanna go forward, you put your car in D like democrat, and if you wanna go backwards, you put it in R or Republicans. He said this in saying we need to move forward as a country to … well, what you’re seeing today.

I hate Obama, I always have, but those words are actually true. We NEED to put the transmission in reverse. Time is running out. Forget left rudder or right rudder, the island is all around our ship and we are about to crash. Put the d**n thing is reverse NOW.

I think Jordan Peterson said that all progress is change, but not all change is progress. Progress meaning the betterment of humanity, not progressive ideologies.

I think we’re speeding to the edge of the cliff, to running the ship aground, we’re near the end of the rope, whatever you want to say. We need Trump and people like him who won’t be bought by evil rich people. If we lose this election, I think many of us will be rightly concerned. As nice of a thought that this is controlled demolition, keep in mind a cat cornered is the most dangerous type. The beast may unleash a powerful attack.

I say this as a stern warning, as I’ve learned, nothing’s set in stone, and always prepare for the worst. The best may be yet to come, but we may also hit rock bottom first. Stay ready and act accordingly (as Wranglerstar would say).

They’ve been telling us their plan this whole time, we need only to listen.