Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Much like Anne Frank's Diary. It was written in ball point pen, a new creation at that time that only the ultra-rich had. And some people say, well she wrote it and her dad embellished it, but handwriting experts say that the same hand wrote the ball point portions and the other portions. And her father was sued, and lost in court, to a man he owed money to for helping him write it. So basically the whole thing is BS and they are still teaching that crap in school.
Blackpilled's entire Burns Libel series is really good.