posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +75 / -0

How does everyone see the Great awakening movement tying into revelation. Personally I see 4 options

  1. we are in Satan's short season, so most has already played out in the past (see jtfollowsjc on x)

  2. trump is the anti Christ and we are all being herded (see Donniedarklend on x)

  3. we are being given a reprieve chance from God. A chance to turn from evil and being his spirit back into the world. So we aren't in revelation yet

  4. revelation is taking place in a way we just can't understand yet and most theological ideas are not correct

I lean towards 4 but 1 and 3 are next options for me with option 2 simply beinf in the back of my mind