With our impending control of house, senate, and White House, pass a law updating the requirements to hold security clearance to include the requirement that you’ve never used your security clearance to influence an election. Include in this rule that once it has been revoked for election interference that it cannot be restored, and furthermore dabbling in classified information once revoked results in serious penalties.
Then revoke their clearance under that rule.
Fuck these guys. I’m sick of their shit.
And…. Now I’m thinking about all the ways this can blow up in our face. Fuck big government too.
With our impending control of house, senate, and White House, pass a law updating the requirements to hold security clearance to include the requirement that you’ve never used your security clearance to influence an election. Include in this rule that once it has been revoked for election interference that it cannot be restored, and furthermore dabbling in classified information once revoked results in serious penalties.
Then revoke their clearance under that rule.
Fuck these guys. I’m sick of their shit.
And…. Now I’m thinking about all the ways this can blow up in our face. Fuck big government too.