This is the quote:
"Well, if you're in a nursing home, you only have a five, six-month life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote."
Link to audio:
Side note: He does not believe that 2020 was stolen but thinks things happened that weren't legit.
This is his explanation/correction of their take on what he said.
Your thoughts? He's definitely a better choice than Tammy Baldwin but this sure doesn't sound good.
My guess is, he is referencing on how the Democrats in many places were farming votes out of nursing homes rather the person was even of sound mind to make up their own minds, just giving them ballots and telling them what to check (if even that) and other such scandals. Of course, elder people should vote but, if they are not Able to even know what's going on or what date it is or what they had for breakfast in the first place, and someone else is deciding for them who they are voting for, ya no.. one of the way many abused things that should be addressed IMO. IF he said that because he thinks everyone over 80 is as brainless as Biden, then yeah.. not good. Saying all that, you need to look closer on him before deciding for yourself, you know how they all love the smear campaigns on people they dont like, twisting words, giving just partial words out of context.. Very Fine people on both sides.. for example.