posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +25 / -0


"A well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

This is not a valid legal defense, and neither should dying be.

The fact that someone does not remember or has left this earth does not change, erase or dismiss their actions while they were alive and well.

Former Head of the CIA, George HW Bush enjoyed a long life of power and luxury without taking responsibility for his actions. As did Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, No Name, and so many others.

It should be clearly known that their actions and choices will follow them to the grave and beyond.

Yes, they will face the Ultimate Justice when they must answer for their actions to a Higher Power.

It must however also weigh on the mind that they, and their legacy cannot escape justice and retribution here on earth simply by being granted the convenience of passing away.

These people pass any law that fits their agenda, now they should pass one that fits ours. The "Posthumous Prosecution Act" would be one that I, and many others would like to see.

Thank you for reading.
