posted ago by AverageIdiotDoi ago by AverageIdiotDoi +56 / -1

The Trump VP pick of Pence would shock the world and throw the cabal into a nose dive. Imagine them trying to explain it. lol! Pence did his job well. He tricked most of us. Remember, we are at war! He did what he had to do, the GA community must realize this right? If the Q, devolution plan is as legit as we know it is….Mike Pence is a PATRIOT! Yes, there will be a statue of Mike Pence in the National Garden of American Heroes which was proposed by President Donald Trump in executive orders on July 3, 2020, and January 18, 2021, as a sculpture garden honoring "great figures of America's history". I posted about Pence last year and a mod thought I was joking and put a sarcasm label on my post. I wasn’t joking my frens. Now if I’m wrong, woe, is me but I don’t think I’m wrong. We’ll see…???