These cunts love to claim they are "non-violent". No, they are using force to block the roads. This is a violent act. There needs to be consequences that reflect that these are violent acts that push a political agenda. In other words, terrorism. There needs to be mandatory sentencing and years in jail for each one of them, including those who finance them. As well as laws to protect the drivers who run any of them over. Then this will stop.
It's called a hostage situation. Yes, it's violent. Every damn one of those people on the highway were being held hostage by these sociopaths and it should be treated exactly like a hostage situation.
These cunts love to claim they are "non-violent". No, they are using force to block the roads. This is a violent act. There needs to be consequences that reflect that these are violent acts that push a political agenda. In other words, terrorism. There needs to be mandatory sentencing and years in jail for each one of them, including those who finance them. As well as laws to protect the drivers who run any of them over. Then this will stop.
It's called a hostage situation. Yes, it's violent. Every damn one of those people on the highway were being held hostage by these sociopaths and it should be treated exactly like a hostage situation.