posted ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +48 / -0

U.S. Is “Middleman” In Billion-Dollar Child Trafficking Op: Whistleblower

The United States federal government has become the “middleman” in a multi-billion dollar human trafficking operation targeting unaccompanied minors at the southern border, a whistleblower told Congress’s House Judiciary Committee Wednesday.

Tara Lee Rodas volunteered to help with Operation Artemis, a plan by the Biden Administration to get control of the humanitarian disaster on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021.

“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes,” Rodas said. “Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with being recruited in home country, smuggled to the US border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a Sponsors -- some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of Transnational Criminal Organizations.”

“Some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income -- this is why we are witnessing an explosion of labor trafficking,” said Rodas.
