It turns out the Big Fake Food Corporation [BFFC] executives HAVE been tinkering with their toxic fake food products for decades now to make them as addictive as possible, just like those vile tobacco executives did.
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What if I told you that today's modern wheat contains a chemical that is addicting, proven by studies involving the use of MRI brain scans? And that after Big Food discovered this appetite-stimulant effect decades ago they began to add it to just about every packaged food in your supermarket? That's why of the 60,000 products in the average supermarket, 59,000 of them contain a form of wheat.
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Here’s the scientific evidence Trevor cites in his book to back up his claims about what these BFFC executives learned about gliadin back in the late 1970’s/early 1980’s: (a text image of a list of seven scientific studies and articles follows in Cates' Substack column)
I mill my own flour from wheat berries and make all of my carbs. Only carbs I eat and I'm the weirdo bringing my own bread to places if I go out to eat. I fixed my digestive issues and allergies I have had my whole life. Real bread. Real ingredients. Short shelf life. It's a chore but worth it.