One thing that never sat well with me in regard to all the Q stuff. If we are quote, "Watching a movie," and many Deep State traitors have already been executed...Hilary, Bill, Biden, Obama, etc., AND most of what we are seeing in the way of evil...rigged elections, DJT on trial, massive border issue, etc., are all just part of a movie AND if the White Hats and the Military are indeed in control...eventually the normies will find out that everything was either orchestrated or at least allowed to happen by the so called "White Hats" correct? I mean all they would have to do is go back and research this site to get that impression. If I were an normie and found this out, I would be even more pissed because deception is deception, no matter how you slice it or who does it!
If the White Hats/Military and DJT are just orchestrating this movie in order to wake normies up (which is what everyone on here believes and uses as an excuse...almost without exception) how in the world is that not even more evil? I mean, people are suffering more and more as each day goes by with this so called Movie and Plan. I think if the White Hats are truly in control...then the truth should have just been exposed...period...let the chips fall where they will. Either way...a certain percentage of the nation is just plain possessed and hate God. They know what's going on, but their service to their fake, wanna be god, will never allow them to do good. It doesn't matter how many "normies" wake up, we are still going to have the possibility of massive civil unrest and yes...maybe even war. In any case...this whole movie business has a major flaw and no one wants to admit the same...
One thing that never sat well with me in regard to all the Q stuff. If we are quote, "Watching a movie," and many Deep State traitors have already been executed...Hilary, Bill, Biden, Obama, etc., AND most of what we are seeing in the way of evil...rigged elections, DJT on trial, massive border issue, etc., are all just part of a movie AND if the White Hats and the Military are indeed in control...eventually the normies will find out that everything was either orchestrated or at least allowed to happen by the so called "White Hats" correct? I mean all they would have to do is go back and research this site to get that impression. If I were an normie and found this out, I would be even more pissed because deception is deception, no matter how you slice it or who does it!
If the White Hats/Military and DJT are just orchestrating this movie in order to wake normies up (which is what everyone on here believes and uses as an excuse...almost without exception) how in the world is that not even more evil? I mean, people are suffering more and more as each day goes by with this so called Movie and Plan. I think if the White Hats are truly in control...then the truth should have just been exposed...period...let the chips fall where they will. Either way...a certain percentage of the nation is just plain possessed and hate God. They know what's going on, but their service to their fake, wanna be god, will never allow them to do good. It doesn't matter how many "normies" wake up, we are still going to have the possibility of massive civil unrest and yes...maybe even war. In any case...this whole movie business has a major flaw and no one wants to admit the same...