Fellow Anons - I believe that the GameStop Saga is officially part of The Plan. If you truly understand the GME, MOASS, HODL, DRS Saga, there's a lot of planning at an almost impossibly complex level. This is merely one 5GW path within a much larger Plan. Watch the video! WWG1WGA!
At 3:35 in the video he claims as soon as he started exercising his calls the stock went up. I didn't think exercising a call would cause the share price to go up until the T+1 settlement where the MM has to deliver the shares (TODAY).
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Also if the MM (Wolverine in this case) already hedged and own the shares to deliver to RK, does that mean the price won't be affected today?
From what I've learned, exercising calls does have an effect on the price on the stock because they actually hit the lit market. However, 99% of retail regular buying does not hit the lit market according to Gensler.
This is all accurate from my POV - minus the part where Wolverine may have hedged. People looked @ this and it seems that they had completely sold their shares off in the last filing. So unless they bought in heavily on the 75mm ATM offering - I think there is a possibility* of fireworks today. They NEED to keep it around $27 I believe in order to keep it contained.
Calls & puts are exercised beginning at 4pm set when the stock mkt closes.
RK exercised yesterday. The MM has to deliver them by 4 pm.