posted ago by CK_Killinger ago by CK_Killinger +87 / -1

There was another post about "FED preparing for the collapse?" I posted in that thread "could somebody please explain how the USA suffering a financial banking collapse fits in with the Q plan? Or how this makes America great again?"

Thank you to the people who kindly replied. in hindsight, the question I posited above was really vague! I am 100% familiar with the Federal reserve act and how this evil came into existence.

In hindsight I should have asked - can the FED be ended w/out collapsing the US banking system and throwing the world into a depression

another angle is this - lots of us have cash that has never seen a bank ledger and if the FED goes down, will Federal Reserve Notes have any value as they are "Fiat Currency?"

IF, IF, IF, The FED is removed and the US Treasury is resurrected . . . And people have to convert their Reserve notes for US Bank notes . . . Given computer technology today, this could potentially be used to created the most dangerous financial record system in world history.

This next statement is from memory regarding a book I read well over 20 years ago. The book is titled "The creature from Jekyll Island" I thought I read a paragraph that gives the US Government the power to buy back every single share of Federal Reserve bank stock for its 1913 face value. <-- I have not been able to find any info on this statement. IF this is in fact the case, the problem can easily be solved.

It's gonna be a wild ride watching God and Jesus defeat the Globalists