posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +48 / -0


Many on this board already assume Trump has been planning his role in the fight against the Cabal for decades, but the general public has no idea. Eric Carlson gives a nice overview, including material on Trump's uncle, John G. Trump.

Just a snippet below:

Trump has many powerful allies, but in order for them to swim in the Trump-hating, shark infested waters of the Deep State-controlled financial system, they have to downplay their support of Trump.

How long has Trump been preparing to go to battle against the Deep State Cabal? How long has he been partnering up with allies to take on this epic undertaking? How much of the man we see in the public is a character created by Trump himself long ago? A character created to fit in with the elites, that would give off the vibe that he was one of them?

It makes me think of Crockett and Tubbs from the 1980s classic Miami Vice, posing as drug dealers to bust members of the Cartel.

Who would have thought that in 2015 Trump would turn on them all?

When Trump announced he was running for POTUS, the Deep State must have assumed there was plenty of dirt to use on him, plenty to be used to control him. They must have been shocked to discover they had nothing, which meant they would have to create endless, nonstop lies about him, one accusation falling apart after the next. The lies could never let up, as, once they do, the game is over.

I believe Trump has been planning and preparing for this fight for a very long time. The domain name Truth Social was purchased in 2011, four years before Trump came down the escalator and announced his presidential bid. He understood then that social media would ban him and his supporters a decade later.

It’s plain to me that Trump didn’t plan the greatest coup the world has ever known all by himself. Had he made this decision later in life, he wouldn’t have been able to ensure there was nothing in his past that could be used to get him under control. Trump had to carefully plan his whole life. If there was anything in Trump’s past that could be used against him, the Deep State would have already used it to control him.

To this day, I still hear people say they like Trump and what he’s trying to do, but they wish he would just not say some of the things he says, as though they somehow have it all figured out—that they better understand how to grab back control of a demonically-controlled world, as if you achieve this by being nicer to the demons.
