I've always had a side that leaned toward procrastination, but never to the point that I seem physically, mentally unable to take care of business.
For example, I still have a number of task not started, or unfinished that I need to complete to protect my property, family wellbeing, in the event of civil unrest.
I have done somethings, but I am very frustrated that I am having such difficulty getting key important task completed. "You fucking had the chance and failed them", is how I will feel if I don't complete these things.
I am hesitant to blame what might be pure sorry ass laziness on some outside force, but damn it man, I swear I seem to be under the influence of some bad mojo, and was just wondering if I was alone in this.
I always pay cash for everything I buy, or I don't buy it.
I'll look into it, and let you know if I buy. The only thing that would keep me from buying is if I found out they were not very durable i.e. lasted only a short number of hours before having to be replaced.
It would be good to have a battery unit that could be brought inside during night hours. Important to keep low profile at all times. Do not advertise you have any electricity, lights, refrigeration especially at night. Hard to do with generator running. Even if you have generator chained down, you don't want bad people swimming by to investigate.
Cool, on my north Florida property that I still own, where I lived before my spousal unit had us move to gold coast area, I had a big artesian well that had 15-20 lbs of pressure out of the ground with no pump. If electricity went out, and my house well quit working, I would run a hose from my artesian well to house and still have running water. And my house well had water so pure that I did not need any kind of softener or anything.
I really miss all that water.
Taking notes here. Some good suggestions, and I appreciate it.
I have a grill, griddle type unit, and single burner stand I can put pot on. Now I only have three full 25 lb propane tanks, but plan on keep minimum or 5 tanks. Hopefully five tanks would last al least six month if I had to use ever day.
I like the canned heat idea though.
As far as your medical supplies, you should make sure you have two or three kits of Chlorine Dioxide (22.4 % Sodium Chlorite and 4% Hydrochloride Acid) on hand. You can cure most anything with it, and it will be very valuable item when no one has medicine to cure infections, or a way to purify water.
Here are my links to MMS and DMSO.