New episode of "The Boys" has a scene mocking the Q postings. They name drop the cabal, pedophile rings, pizza gate, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Harry, and Meghan Markle. Seriously . . . they went ALL IN on this scene. This will not have the effect they hoped it would!
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I really don’t think this is white hats at all. The writers are clearly mocking us and it will encourage anyone who hears anything similar to this to mock us too.
People don't need encouragement we've been laughed at for years, Q hasn't spoken since 2022, the booms we were promised haven't materialized (yet) and that's just the truth. This is just more blatant mockery. At the same time, the number of red and Q pilled people rose exponentially and while some have given up, many of us can never go back to the people we were before Q.
Even if we're laughed at, there are so many that take adrenochrome and our other concerns dead seriously. We just need to accept some mockery and keep fighting the good fight. The truth will come out and reach the masses at some point.