posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +22 / -0

πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨It is actually easier to un-brainwash people than it is to brainwash them... let me explain...

The short answer is the neurological pathways to Truth... actual unadulterated Truth... was programmed into each of us genetically... default mode network...

Think, "I just knew he was telling the truth"... the intuitive "gut instinct" resonated as truth to your soul... you intuitively "know" what truth "feels" like...

All that said, the method to manipulate billions of people took generations... so think about you, your parents and their parents (at least that far back, if not further) were lied to in the same way... what we "knew" as truth... wasn't truthful at all... layers and layers of lies upon lies...

[They] infiltrated every possible channel of communication, television, news, movies, music, social media, everything...

They started pumping in THEMES of manipulation... slowly nudging the people inch by inch... each new phase of manipulation pushed moral boundaries a little further...

Soon, seeing videos of teenage girls slamming a classmates head to the ground killing her seems relatively normal... think Grand Theft Auto video games and the violence that desensitized millions to...

If 30-50 years ago they told your grandparents men will join women's sports, kids are switching genders, and 10's of millions of illegals would be flooding the border unfettered they would have called them a "conspiracy theorist"... or just plain crazy... The nudges away from truth have to be slow and methodical as to control the degree of cognitive dissonance... if I tell you blue is actually red you'll know I was lying as the lie is so obvious... but if over the years I showed you study after study of scientists saying blue was never actually a color I could slowly convince you...

But the path back to truth is different... the speed back to truth depends on the resilience of the emotional strength each person has -- in other words... how fast they are able to learn they have been lied too without having an emotional breakdown...

You can see that over the last 7 years the White Hats have been slowly releases Truths... it started with The Twitter Files as the first level of DECLAS... it was fun... people waited for each post to land so they could share it... it was all the rage...

Some won't be able to see right away but the seeds are planted, then wave after wave the the seeds are nurtured with more truth and more seeds are planted...layer by layer the truth is expanded upon until epiphanies occur, realizations... higher states of consciousness occur... That is the Great Awakening

Not sure how I feel about this. Definitely interesting topic to think and reflect on though. Would love to hear all your thoughts

Credit to: u/holonabove