CNN: Calling the US a Republic Is “A Conspiracy Theory”
🧠 CNN people are stupid!
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So you're saying that we are a democracy now?
You keep flip flopping your argument here.
No. I am saying that we used to have a democracy. We are no longer. Whatever we have now, it's not a democracy.
The article I post, that's democracy to me. We don't have that.
The article you posted flat out said the US is a representative democracy.
If you're talking about classical Athenian democracy, that is what is referred to as "mob rule". Which means that there would be no Electoral College, and thus Trump would have lost the 2016 election due to losing the popular vote.
I know you said a "Republic" is also democracy, but it doesn't make sense to me still. Maybe I am just a brain-dead, but like I said, Athenian democracy actually looks like a better democracy than what we have today. Whatever we have today. Athenian democracy actually looks good, barring this fact: only male citizens who were older than 18 were a part of the demos
The Boule is not elected like us electing representatives and it is by pure chance. I did not see anywhere on that article that said you have no electoral college. Are you saying that the tribes are not of equal size? The Boule would have to decide the votes, wasn't it? The Boule is make up of pure chance so it might work just like juror duties. You only serve one year so no Pelosi or corrupt Schumer or any of those to corrupt the process.
Dude, I just can't with you anymore tonight. I'm going to try to think of yet another way to explain it to you.
I really don't get what is so difficult to understand here, truthfully.
In the meantime, please don't try to redpill any normies, and for the love of God, please do not get in front of any cameras or microphones at Trump rallies or the like.