The unawakened will fight for themselves only. The awakened fight for all. The normies just don’t see how we’re one big family (gods family - not including demons) and that we should collectively work together for the good and fight the evil. But they live like atheists with no faith and no heart. A rude awakening is what they need and I’m willing to bet its on the way. Those of us who know the truth can stay cozy and keep faith while the rest will have to fight their way out of the Death Valley. Not all will make it. Everyone will need a savior as no one makes it out on their own for what’s to come. Pray for the normies - they are going to need it for what we are up against. Pray that they awaken in time to see the light and make it out. 🙏
The unawakened will fight for themselves only. The awakened fight for all. The normies just don’t see how we’re one big family (gods family - not including demons) and that we should collectively work together for the good and fight the evil. But they live like atheists with no faith and no heart. A rude awakening is what they need and I’m willing to bet its on the way. Those of us who know the truth can stay cozy and keep faith while the rest will have to fight their way out of the Death Valley. Not all will make it. Everyone will need a savior as no one makes it out on their own for what’s to come. Pray for the normies - they are going to need it for what we are up against. Pray that they awaken in time to see the light and make it out. 🙏