Carter Anderson, age 14, brother of Cooper Anderson commits "suicide". We all know and understand Cooper is a Clown asset and is openly a "Pole smoker". Now take a close hard look at comedian Kathy Griffin. Compare photos of Kathy (Carter twisted?) facial features to that of Anderson's.....
We all know the DS agenda is to destroy the DNA of humanity and twist it severely for one simple reason... to slowly eradicate humanity. It has be theorized that our DNA has been manipulated over our existence to dumb us down. Some believe as many as 23 genes have been devolved to bring us to the point of being able to tap in and use only 10-15% of our brain we have today.
I completely agree. I have said that all along. Look at the faces, they are identical, but older. Explains why she is such a hot mess. No telling what those kids endured, but as adults they are only victims if they choose to be.
I recall the idiot and tasteless Trump head photo and that's when it hit me. I was just looking at the Podesta stories and A. Cooper photo was in this particular post. My jaw dropped as I pulled both photos. There was a stunning likeness in terms of facial features and even body builds. A titless Kathy and a sexually confused tv host..... I bet if a DNA sample was done...
I'd recommend everyone checking out the series. Even if you think you know "all about Q" already or if your ego is too proud to read anything with "dummy" in the title...(Guilty)
Carter Anderson, age 14, brother of Cooper Anderson commits "suicide". We all know and understand Cooper is a Clown asset and is openly a "Pole smoker". Now take a close hard look at comedian Kathy Griffin. Compare photos of Kathy (Carter twisted?) facial features to that of Anderson's.....
We all know the DS agenda is to destroy the DNA of humanity and twist it severely for one simple reason... to slowly eradicate humanity. It has be theorized that our DNA has been manipulated over our existence to dumb us down. Some believe as many as 23 genes have been devolved to bring us to the point of being able to tap in and use only 10-15% of our brain we have today.
She, he or whatever it is looks just like him. Also explains why she is totally mentally messed up.
That's my point of argument. I'm just going to say it. I think Kathy Griffin is Carter Anderson, older brother of Anderson Cooper. It too uncanny.
I completely agree. I have said that all along. Look at the faces, they are identical, but older. Explains why she is such a hot mess. No telling what those kids endured, but as adults they are only victims if they choose to be.
I recall the idiot and tasteless Trump head photo and that's when it hit me. I was just looking at the Podesta stories and A. Cooper photo was in this particular post. My jaw dropped as I pulled both photos. There was a stunning likeness in terms of facial features and even body builds. A titless Kathy and a sexually confused tv host..... I bet if a DNA sample was done...
I believe that’s why she has lost her mind, because Trump knows it all. I firmly believe that is the issue with her or should I say him.
I'm a dummy and I really appreciate this post👍💗🤣
Love these! 💚
Perfect timing... just finished #13.
I'd recommend everyone checking out the series. Even if you think you know "all about Q" already or if your ego is too proud to read anything with "dummy" in the title...(Guilty)
I always learn something new and he has a unique perspective.
Wish they would come out faster…only on 100. Long way to go. I love the series!
Great guide! I’ve been running the chapters this morning.
Paul is a great researcher and writer and, even though he's not a professional writer, he does a really good job.