...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Why are the narratives in the four gospels different?
Is it a sin to have a blood transfusion?
When God created Adam was it blood that God breathed into him according to the verse that refers to life being in the blood?
Does the cup in the Lord’s Supper make reference to wine or water?
Why did God let the devil in the Garden of Eden?
How many days was Jesus on earth after His resurrection? And how many miracles did He perform during that time?
Why don’t you believe that the Old Testament saints were filled with the Holy Spirit?
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Supernatural Peace
God is offering you—a lost, hell-doomed sinner—a salvation if you trust Him, and that’s grace. And if you’ve experienced that, then you know something of the peace of God—what it is to put your head on the pillow at night and rejoice in a salvation like this. And this word “peace” is the softest pillow that there is to sleep on at night. It’s the peace that comes when you know your sins are forgiven you. And this comes not because of some psychological gyration that you go through down here. It comes from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and it’s supernatural, my friend.
Daily Promises
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth [him with] his hand. (Psalm 37:24)
From His undying love and grace, God sustains us in all things as we continue to trust in Him. We were firmly established in His love when He removed us from our iniquity and securely planted our feet on the Rock. Even as we stumble in this life, the Creator of the universe is there to grab hold and bring us to His side. May we commit our way to Him and see His unfailing greatness and mercy each day.
Don't Know Everything
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. — Romans 1:22
As Christians, instead of pretending that we know everything, we should rely on the one who does!
Casting Pods
RFK Jr.: The Fed Is The Center Of All Problems...Charles Burris Podcast
Confessions of a Black Conservative - Robert Wright & Glenn Loury...Nonzero Podcast
Is Ukraine Using an "Elastic Defense?" Or Just Losing the War? The New Atlas Podcast
Rus Unveils FAB-3000, Ukr Energy System Collapse; Rus Breakthrough Toretsk, Ukr Debt Explodes...The Duran Podcast
UN says Israel is committing crimes against humanity & 'extermination' in Gaza...Geopolitical Economy Report Podcast
Nik Stankovic: U.S. Empire Losing Its Grip, China Will Prevail in Tech, War Almost Unavoidable...Geopolitics & Empire Podcast
Israel Falsely Claims Gaza Famine A “Hoax” As It Continues To Block Aid & Bomb Starving Population...The Last American Vagabond Podcast
Evil Among Us! Neil Oliver Podcast
Dog Woo
Defensive gun use and reality
'Our democracy' a tyranny of the majority
How a democracy destroys your rights
Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance
Two Sides of the Nihilistic Coin
1984@75 – The Lottery
James Howard Kunstler - Door Closes, A Window Opens....“Almost every headline and what passes as ‘news’ in the United States, is a cry for help.” — Karen Kwiatkowski
Today's Wins
1 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Our Rulers Are Literally Driving Us Crazy
2 Hunter Biden and the traitors in our midst
3 Louisiana Leads In Protecting Women and Girls from Biden’s ‘Gender Identity’
4 Andrew Cuomo attacks anti-Trump lawfare and Biden’s immigrant policies and campaign.
5 It makes perfect sense that the Teamsters’ president will speak at the RNC
6 Showtime in Hotlanta
7 Debate Questions That The Moderators Should (But Won’t) Ask Biden
8 Seven reasons that momentum favors Trump
9 ARMIN ROSEN - The Outsider Legal Genius Who May Rescue Trump...Seth Barrett Tillman is an Orthodox Jewish commodities trader turned law professor living in Dublin whose ideas were recently heard by the Supreme Court. He’s also something even more unusual: a thinker whose mind hasn’t been corrupted by politics.
10 The rise of the anti-woke shareholder
13 Mark Steyn on suffocating State propaganda
14 Thoughts from America on D-Day – is this what our heroes died for?
15 Inequality Without Class....To grasp where inequality is headed—much less to reduce it—we will need to look beyond the economic.
16 Saturday Poem...Steven Ratiner - The Corner of Bellington Street and Sparta
Look What The Dog Dragged In
17 MICHAEL LIND - Attack of the Crypto-Nazis!...Working-class Americans say they’re voting for their interests. NPR apostles say they suffer from ‘white rage’ and ‘precarious manhood.’ Who’s right?
18 Taki - The Good Guys Can’t Win
19 David Cole - Alex Jones: Man of the State
20 Bannon Case Tests Speaker Johnson’s Loyalty to the Constitution
21 Antisemitism vs. anti-Israelism
22 The Photo-Negative Ideology...Left antisemitism, acceptable racism, and the post-liberalism of fools
23 Ann Coulter - Actually, Senator...“the FBI’s annual report on crime in 2021 threadbare and heavily dependent on estimates.”
24 Theodore Dalrymple - It’s a Crime...Which is bigger, crime or it’s lack of prosecution?
25 VLADISLAV DAVIDZON - The West Is Still Playacting in Ukraine..The newest tranche of assistance will last the Ukrainians until the end of the year. That is, it’s enough to make sure the Ukrainian army won’t be overrun by the Russians before the U.S. elections.
26 Who will win a post-heroic war? Neither side is prepared to fight
27 The Catcher in the Rye Enigma Revisited
28 Fred Reed - White Nationalism: Interesting Idea, Not Too Practical
29 How Does Your Garden Grow? Upon the Corpses of Millions
30 Wikipedia has a political bias
31 You will be tagged and you will love it...The multipolar world will be the most convenient world in world history
32 On the Edge of the Programmable Ledger: CBDCs
33 The Pearl and Peril of AI
34 AI is making us less productive
35 The battle for Cornwall’s cowboy town Britain's forgotten peninsula is running out of hope
36 Triumph of the ‘Mass-Man’
37 Will Pope Francis kill the Latin Mass? He regards the liturgy as reactionary and effeminate
38 The Birth of the Modern Templars, the Origins of the Ancient Scottish Rite and the Roman Sun King Napoleon...The French Connection: The Knights of Malta, the Scottish Rite & the Rise of the Mafia Brotherhoods Part IV
Health Briefs...Unleashed
39 Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”
40 Bird Flu, Fear, and Perverse Incentives
41 How (and why) Bird Flu is About to Enter the “Mass Testing” Phase
42 Dr Naomi Wolf - My Statement to the Royal Courts of Justice
43 OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous
44 Did the AIDS virus originate from the US Special Virus Cancer Program? VAIDS as a "vaccine" induced SV40 promotor "viral" state: "It may be that tumor-associated molecules we seek are not due to mutations, but rather are the result of virus infection."
45 DR. JOSEPH SANSONE - Kansas Versus Pfizer: Good, But Not Good Enough
46 Andrew Sullivan echoes Christopher Hitchens on IVF
47 The NIAID is a Repeat Offender
48 Jim Jordan Should Ask Fauci This…
49 Food Corruption: Fake Meat, GMOs, and Beyond
50 Widely Used and Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought...Over 73 percent of food is ultra-processed. While some ingredients are ‘generally recognized as safe,’ research has begun to show why that may not be the case.
51 Fingernail Changes May Be Clues About Increased Cancer Risk
The Best Of American Thinker
52 Republican Party at a crossroads: Which path it chooses will determine America’s fate
53 So far so good for Cruz
54 U.S. intelligence agents to have nails painted for 'Pride' month
55 Import the Caracas slums, become the Caracas slums: thanks, Joe Biden
56 Ben Rhodes is back, smugger and smarmier than ever
57 Image courtesy of Will O'Toole at Otoon Cartoons.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
58 Catholics, Protestants Can't Wait Til The Left Is Defeated So They Can Get Back To Fighting Each Other
59 10 Commandments Democrats Have Approved For Display In Public Schools
60 God Disappointed By Lack Of Eloquence In Five-Year-Old's Prayer
61 'I Thought I Invited Comedians,' Says Confused Pope After Stephen Colbert Shows Up
62 God Confirms Heaven Will Bring All Nations, Tribes, And Tongues Together In Hatred Of The New York Yankees
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents... Scary Animals, Or Snuggly?
1 Cenk The Scary Looking Cat Really A Lovebug
2 Eight Animals Who Are Scary, But Harmless
3 The Jeffries Cat, Ghost Of The Wild
4 Baby Lion Rescued, Brought to Sanctuary - Still Loves His Caregiver
5 Stray Cat Finds Friend In Lynx
6 Meet Avihu, An Israeli Who Rescues Wild Animals
7 Dog Mothers Raise Tigers?!
8 Dog And Tiger Play
9 Not So Scary Backyard Animals
10 Polar Bear Cuddles The Trainers
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
God bless you for your readership.