Keep the military, post office and national transportation/ highways maintenance. And Congress has to take back the coining of our money. They neglected their constitutional duty and shopped it out to an evil dynasty that's ripping us off and enslaving us. But I'd like to see Homeland Security, C_A and FEMA go away next. The health industry and its regulation needs to be reorganized too. Trump has so much work to do.
Keep the military, post office and national transportation/ highways maintenance. And Congress has to take back the coining of our money. They neglected their constitutional duty and shopped it out to an evil dynasty that's ripping us off and enslaving us. But I'd like to see Homeland Security, C_A and FEMA go away next. The health industry and its regulation needs to be reorganized too. Trump has so much work to do.
Maybe if he picks the right VP candidate, that person could carry on the mission for two more terms.