posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +42 / -0

Heavenly Father, We come before You with grateful hearts, lifting up our praises for Your boundless love and endless grace. We thank You for the gift of this new day, for the breath in our lungs, and for the opportunities that lie ahead. Lord, we ask for Your strength and guidance as we navigate the challenges of life. Fill us with Your wisdom, that we may make decisions that honor You and reflect Your love. Empower us with Your courage, that we may face each obstacle with faith and perseverance.

Help us to be instruments of Your peace and love in the world. May our actions reflect Your kindness and compassion, bringing hope to those who are weary and light to those in darkness. Renew our spirits with Your joy and fill our hearts with Your peace. Remind us that with You, all things are possible and that Your plans for us are good. Strengthen our faith, that we may trust in Your promises and walk boldly in Your purpose. In Jesus glorious name we pray amen

Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer 2pm and 8pm est
