If law enforcement was allowed to do their job (restricted by policy written and passed by criminal governments) then crime would go down. Criminals are emboldened by the weak policies deliberately put in place. Criminals of course are to blame but who is allowing them to commit crimes?
Exactly. Just as some law enforcement is allowed to get away with abuse of the public. I don't like their plans , but they may not like The Law of Unintended Consequences
This is why I am going to keep repeating.
Don't blame the people for the street crime. It's the government fault.
Sure.. they are not actually doing the physical act. But they are the masterminds behind it.
Which makes them an accomplice. Which is also a crime.
So it's not the criminal that shoots someone , it's the gun ?
If law enforcement was allowed to do their job (restricted by policy written and passed by criminal governments) then crime would go down. Criminals are emboldened by the weak policies deliberately put in place. Criminals of course are to blame but who is allowing them to commit crimes?
Exactly. Just as some law enforcement is allowed to get away with abuse of the public. I don't like their plans , but they may not like The Law of Unintended Consequences