So, some random people on TV said that they could become a girl, you just need to cut your dick off and take some pills.
These retards BELIEVED the strangers on TV.
They went ahead and cut their dicks off, made a fake vagina using their rectum. Now, they have a shit-smelling vagina.
I used to shake my head at disgust, but now, I find it absolutely hilarious. When I see them on twitter or tiktok, I just laugh. It really is comical that these retards fell for the most obvious piece of propaganda that no one should believe, but they did.
Incredible. Is it sinful to laugh at this? I find it better than getting angry
The absurdity of it all. But, then again, I realized that most people I have come across in my life were mask wearers. I just did not realize it until several years ago.
It is a sad fact in this material realm that many people cannot see the truth no matter what.