The CIA , the MOSSAD, top intel agencies... have one thing in common.... they are ALL controlled & operated by the Global Council of Freemasonry.
the model for which these agencies operate, date back to a high-ranking Knights Templar, by the name of Robert Ruse.
The modern day Bush family, are descendants of Ruse.
They despise Christianity & all of its forms. They especially hate the Catholic church, dating back to the 1200-1300s & the killing of Templars & Grand Master DeMolay. (this is why they killed JFK... the church VS the lodge)
The other symbolic meaning of downing the twin towers, is the replacement of man & woman (Adam & Eve) & placing the seed of the serpent (Satan) in their place.
Obama signed the ONE WORLD tower:
(W)e remember.
(W)e rebuild.
(W)e come back stronger.
In Hebrew, (W) = Vav = 6, so essentially he signed the ONE WORLD tower 6-6-6.
Freemasons are humanists, who wish to place the perfected God-man, onto the throne of God.
666 = Man = Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"
They are building (Freemasons build) a totalitarian, ONE WORLD government, where the perfected MAN is GOD.
Not Lucifer or Satan. Not The LORD GOD. But MAN is to become God.
The CIA , the MOSSAD, top intel agencies... have one thing in common.... they are ALL controlled & operated by the Global Council of Freemasonry.
the model for which these agencies operate, date back to a high-ranking Knights Templar, by the name of Robert Ruse.
The modern day Bush family, are descendants of Ruse.
They despise Christianity & all of its forms. They especially hate the Catholic church, dating back to the 1200-1300s & the killing of Templars & Grand Master DeMolay. (this is why they killed JFK... the church VS the lodge)
The other symbolic meaning of downing the twin towers, is the replacement of man & woman (Adam & Eve) & placing the seed of the serpent (Satan) in their place.
Obama signed the ONE WORLD tower: (W)e remember. (W)e rebuild. (W)e come back stronger.
In Hebrew, (W) = Vav = 6, so essentially he signed the ONE WORLD tower 6-6-6.
Freemasons are humanists, who wish to place the perfected God-man, onto the throne of God.
666 = Man = Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"
They are building (Freemasons build) a totalitarian, ONE WORLD government, where the perfected MAN is GOD.
Not Lucifer or Satan. Not The LORD GOD. But MAN is to become God.