SOOOOO..........They think they can just "decide" they own the air...the Exactly WHO do they think is going to accept that? I can't think of a population anywhere on earth that will say, "SURE! ITS ALL YOURS" ... And giving it a bit more thought, how the hell did they conclude that air is a "finite" resource? The earth, and various life forms, have been around for billions of years. But now, all of a sudden, we're running out of air? Lolol and they honestly believe anyone is gonna buy that? SMH
SOOOOO..........They think they can just "decide" they own the air...the Exactly WHO do they think is going to accept that? I can't think of a population anywhere on earth that will say, "SURE! ITS ALL YOURS" ... And giving it a bit more thought, how the hell did they conclude that air is a "finite" resource? The earth, and various life forms, have been around for billions of years. But now, all of a sudden, we're running out of air? Lolol and they honestly believe anyone is gonna buy that? SMH