...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee 2 Thessalonians 3:8-18
What is the purpose of studying prophecy? That’s what we’re exploring in this study of 2 Thessalonians. Join us for the powerful final study in Paul’s last epistle to the church at Thessalonica.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
All Things Work Together For Good.
Now that is a comfort to the child of God today—to know that all things work together for good. Why? Because God is going to see to it. And as Dr. Torrey used to say: “That verse is certainly a pillow for a tired heart.” And how many tired hearts there are in this world today who need a pillow to rest upon like this that are going down through deep waters and facing trials and temptations down here, and undergoing suffering and pain. They need to know that all things are working together. And that’s just not an idle expression. It’s because there is a God that has a plan and program. And He’ll not let up until it’s carried out to the very letter.
Daily Promises
The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth [him with] his hand. I have been young, and [now] am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. [He is] ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed [is] blessed. (Psalm 37:23-26)
Never shall the Lord forsake the righteous. Never shall the bride of Christ want for any good thing. The Lord is kind and merciful and will always see fit to bless His people whom He loves so dearly. Rejoice in and give thanks for the Lord's constancy! He shall never fail and we shall never be ashamed.
Help In The Faith
Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. — Romans 14:1
When was the last time that we helped someone in the faith? Have we taken the time to answer questions for someone, point them in the right direction, and help them grow in faith?
Casting Pods
Biden debate debacle, DEMs panic. EU-Ukraine security deal. Orban confronts Elensky. Toxic Macron...The Duran Podcast
Enduring Media Lies And Myths About Julian Assange: DEBUNKED...Glenn Greenwald Podcast
Dog Woo
There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.
Preparedness Notes for Friday — June 28, 2024
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 28, 2024...Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
“Mass Shootings” versus Active Killer Attacks
Words of Wisdom from Louis Awerbuck
How to Spot a Bad Guy- A Comprehensive Look at Body Language and Pre-Assault Indicators
How America Got Into This Omnishambles...The Democrats have for too long prized polite lies over uncomfortable truths.
Biden Was Out 18 Months Ago, Debate Began the Closing Act for the Intelligence Community... Unlike everyone else now engaged in post-debate clamoring about replacing Joe Biden, I identified, analyzed and published scores of articles precisely projecting what you saw last night 18 mos. ago beginning in January 2023.
James Howard Kunstler - Joe Biden Catches Cold - “Biden’s entire closing statement is the political equivalent of the blue screen of death. It’s just one long frozen glitch.”
Today's Win's
1 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE - Really Think About What It Means That The US President Has Dementia
2 Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic
3 The Supreme Court just published three wonderful, consequential decisions
4 Was it just Biden who imploded or did the whole Democrat party implode, too?
5 Decoding New York’s Legalese: President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted
6 Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer.
7 The problem of erring animals...Three medieval thinkers struggled to explain how animals could make mistakes – and uncovered the nature of nonhuman minds...
8 The Antimonies Of Thom Gunn
9 Thom Gunn Reads “Her Pet”
10 Friday Poem...Tony Hoagland - At the Galleria Shopping Mall
Look What The Dog Dragged In
11 THE ACORN #94 - An Organic Radical Bulletin
In this issue:
Exposed: how the climate racketeers aim to force us into smart gulags
Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy
Getting started on making a difference at the grassroots
Friedrich Hölderlin: an organic radical inspiration
12 Moon Of Alabama - Russian Note To The U.S.: Your Drones Are Now Targets
13 Michelle O breaks cover, and her timing is spot on
14 Moon Of Alabama - Last night's Trump-Biden debate has turned into a disaster for the Democrats.
15 The debate was orchestrated sabotage of Biden by the Democrat party
16 Dems teeing up for change of candidate
17 Post-debate analysis: Biden has more than six handicaps
18 Joe Biden’s biggest lies from last night
19 A Catch-22 for Republican Voters?
20 The Problem With Erik: Privilege, Blackmail, and Murder for Hire in Austin....A spoiled heir to an auto-dealership empire responded to a threatening text by ordering two murders. Four years and a jury trial later, what motivated his ruinous decision remains a mystery.
Health Briefs...Unleashed
21 Declaration on the Principle of State Sovereignty and its Incompatibility with the Negotiating Text of the WHO “Pandemic Agreement” & “Amendments to the IHR”
22 BMA Threatens Legal Action Over Physician Associates ‘Experiment’...Doctors’ trade union has begun a judicial review against regulator the GMC for what it terms a ‘dangerous blurring of lines’ between medic and assistant roles.
23 Supreme Court Overturns Finding of Illegal Censorship on COVID-19 and More; Dissenters Stand Up for Free Speech
24 Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Fades--No Protection Against Hospitalization Even Boosters Fall Short
25 CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines for Nearly All Americans
26 ANA MARIA MIHALCEA - Militarized Cognitive Warfare: Human Brains Under Attack In Post Covid Era And Natural Treatment Ways To Resist And Reverse Cognitive Deficits
27 More Than a Quarter of ‘Healthy’ Older Adults Have Asymptomatic Heart Valve Disease
28 5 Exercises to Help Take the Breathlessness out of Asthma
29 Hibiscus’ Therapeutic Potential in Type 1 Diabetes and Healthy Adults–
30 How Dogs Help People With PTSD...A new study finds that man’s best friend offers emotional support and reduces anxiety.
The Best Of American Thinker
31 The bizarre debate performance of Joe Biden
32 Where do the Democrats go from here?
33 The Democrats’ struggle bus
34 How to Help Recovering Progressives
35 One Country, Two Different Cities
36 Image courtesy of the Unpolled Conservative.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
37 Biden Invents New Language On Live TV
38 'Who’s A Good Boy? Huh? Who’s A Good Boy?’ Says Jill Biden Congratulating Biden With A Treat
39 Democrats Ask Kristi Noem To Take Biden Out Behind White House Shed
40 Alarming Study Finds 33% Of Americans Are Dumber Than A Bag Of Hammers
41 Top 10 Candidates Democrats Are Considering To Replace Joe Biden
US Top 10 Singles Week Ending 24th June, 1972
#10 Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose -Too Late To Turn Back Now
#9 The Chi-Lites - Oh Girl
#8 The 5th Dimension - (Last Night) I Didn't Get to Sleep at All
#7 Bill Withers - Lean On Me (
#6 Jimmy Castor Bunch - Troglodyte
#5 The Staple Singers - "I'll Take You There/We The People"
#4 Gallery - Nice To Be With You
#3 Billy Preston - Outa-Space
#2 Neil Diamond - Song Sung Blue
#1 Sammy Davis, Jr.- The Candy Man
"Keep Your Feet On The Ground, And Keep Reaching For The Stars"
Not Quite brain_dead
1 A walk through "Modern Paris".
2 Scotland Plans Live Facial Recognition Technology
3 Michigan Freedom Caucus Leader Releases Gretchen Whitmer Exposé One Week Before Her Major Book Launch
4 The Future of Gold, Silver and the Dollar
_PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Life On The Farm _
1 Thomas Massie's Chicken And Veggie Farm- Tribute To Rhonda Massie
2 Loyal Cat Tries To Let Her Owner In
3 Dog Shows Love For Pregnant Owner, Warms Hearts
4 Farm House Comes With Twenty Adorable Roommates
5 Family Finds Snapping Turtle In Compost Pile...
6 Amsterdam's Beloved Cat Boat
7 Family Browsing Facebook Sees Face They Haven't Seen For Seven Years
8 Home Owner Finds Tiny Animals In His Yard
9 Large Dog Found In Sewer Bottom
10 Kitten And Puppy Meet, Become Besties In Time
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 Grace, Goats, and a Dairy Cow: How 2 Self-Taught Farmers Turned Rejected Land Into Their Dream Homestead...Shawn and Beth Dougherty found a path forward in the old way of farming, creating a self-sufficient farmstead where both the land and their family could thrive.
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Jesus Is God
“He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.” In other words, those stars are up there in the places they’re in because God put them there. And that’s where He wanted them, and He didn’t put them where I want them. He put them where He wanted them. And this is His universe, and He’s the One to be worshipped. And we call ourselves civilized today, and we find ourselves giving ourselves to that which does not help at all—a little Zodiac. Can you imagine intelligent people dealing with that kind of thing in this matter of fortune telling and all of that. Why not worship the living and the true God?