Fully vaxxed. He developed severe neurological issues about two years ago. They thought maybe ALS but he had been improving with treatment so not ALS. He went to a writing conference this week and when he returned Thursday he wasn’t feeling well and by the Friday he was dead from pneumonia. Such a sad loss for our family. He was the figurehead for the family and now he’s gone. Please pray for us.
Wow, I wasn’t expecting a sticky. Thanks mods. I have to read all the comments now but thank you all.
That’s the big question. What is the result for future generations? I worry there are mutations that will result in major issues for future generations. We’ve seen this with medications and other vaccines that mutations show up in future generations. I fear we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here.
A doctor recently asked if I’m ok with receiving a blood transfusion in an emergency. Honestly, it was a really hard question to answer. I told her I do not want vaccinated blood under any circumstances. Although if I’m unconscious, my husband has medical power of attorney. I’m sure he knows my position but I’m not sure either of us would make that choice facing death.