posted ago by McFartington ago by McFartington +30 / -2

MrBeast no doubt received hundreds of lucrative offers of varying degrees asking him to "change a little something," or a political endorsement of sorts on his show.

The fact that he does not involve politics in any manner what so ever tells me he is negotiating his own contracts and doing things on his own terms. He is far too influential for black hats to allow him to continue operating freely on his own. Anyone that gains influence organically becomes a target for MKUltra.

His show was primarily white Christian males. How did Cris Tyson, a guy with a lovely wife and child, happy, go to become a complete tranny. Answer: MKUltra.

That's how they incepted the MrBeast channel. He never wanted this or expected this. His catch phrase is "Me and the boys." So MrBeast was left with a very difficult decision.

Kick off his best friend who he started the channel with, bring in politics, and have his show implode and be on the news circuit for weeks, have his life threatened.. etc.

Or he could stand by his best friend who is obviously having a mental breakdown. If anything, showing his viewers Cris Tyson's transformation over the past year as it became more ridiculous, probably did more to wake people up of the absurdity of transgenderism. Also the fact that he is allowing his baby to wear heels. Basically backfired on the black hats. Hopefully we see a redemption arc for Cris who announces detransition and apologizes. Going to be an insane redpill to pretty much the entire youth of the USA if that was to happen.

Further more, MrBeast is working with Pulte, a billionaire philanthropist who has been during cash giveaways on X, and a Trump supporter and donor.

MrBeast has been doing philanthropic work on Youtube.

A period of great wealth is coming very soon. I believe they are assigned by white hats to start inspiring people on how to give. It's pretty beautiful to witness.

MrBeast's latest video: https://youtu.be/KkCXLABwHP0?si=UP1iHh9azfksbCEV

Tweet of picture with MrBeast and Pulte: https://x.com/pulte/status/1805060929828089909