posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +16 / -0



Joe slips on a banana peel strategically placed next to his golf clubs and he breaks a hip, the Secret Service is baffled.

With absolutely nothing to lose the deeply panicked screaming meanies find themselves in the truly liberating position of being able try anything.

Cackles is in for a minute to bat cleanup, but then...

Jill sacrifices herself and comes in off the bench.

Valiantly embracing her duty to save our nation from the impending doom of the inevitable Trump Dictatorship, she sacrifices her comfy retirement and unselfishly puts the future of this country back into the hands of millions of decent Americans by proclaiming...

"You Can Still Vote Biden For America!"

Media monkeys call it the greatest move since sanctuary cities.

"Doctor" Jill is already up to speed.

"She knows what Joe was trying to accomplish to protect our democracy and keep decency on the ballot." They will chant in unison.

"She will be able carry that torch..."

Is it legal?

Is it possible?

Is the good doctor disqualified?

With a few minor changes some others could be plugged in to this scenario as well... Mike, Hunter, Nancy through Paul Jr, Adam, Joy or Joy, Oprah, Rob, Bobby, Babs, Bette etc.
