posted ago by redtoe-skipper ago by redtoe-skipper +28 / -0

It was something Q wrote: Sum of all Fears

There are a couple of relationships here: North Korea, of course, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Europe.

Of course, all these relationships are framed within the context of U1, and potentially, the threat of Nuclear detonation[s].

For those not having seen the movie, please, do. There are a many things to learn from it.

For the moment I would like to draw your attention not to the THREAT itself, or rather, the point where the actions of miscommunication leads to almost an nuclear exchange, but the events leading up to it.

There is a party scheming to incite a devastating war between the US and Russia. Why? Because the Europeans are treated like children without the good night chocolates.

There is a quip about a state running to bill Clinton to protect her maidenhood .... Even more apt with what we known now.

So, there is a scheming central axis of the story... In the story it just so happens to be .... NEO NAZIS. ...shocker. And although she would vehemently deny it, Von der Leyen would perfectly fit the bill. Especially, the bill of " subgroup". But so the the House of Orange, the WEF, ....et all.

In Russia, the situation is explosive. Engaged in a war, the political situation is fragile. The President is an old drunk, who is slurring and diminishing by the minute.

In the US, all seems fine. In the analysis sections of the CIA, close attention is payed to the mental, physical and emotional health of the Russian President.

The question I got from the debate night is this: what country do we look like? A strong confident one, or one that is disintegrating under the dumbing down leadership of a minimally exceptional President?

What were the circumstances in which the schemers would feel safe enough to traffic a nuke, and place it somewhere, where it could deal damage, enough to trigger a response?

And before that, an attack on Grozny was performed without clear authorization from the civil leadership. Ryan speculates it could have been a rogue element, trying to weaken the incoming new Russian President.

Turn it around and look at us. Does not the events leading up to the scare event, look like a mirror? When in the movie we look at Russia, are we really seeing us?

What about the schemers? Well of course, spec in the middle ...Europe. Europe is incapable of supplying it's own energy. It is totally dependent on the constellation of power of third parties. O yes, there is the Leviathan gas field, eyed by Turkey, in the Med. But given the current events, I doubt, EU will soon be capable of drilling there and delivering any gas. Remains the vast reserves of the North See around Norway, England, Netherlands. Vast, yes, but not enough for to keep the lights on without inflation. So, there is this dependence. And what do you know .... Ukraine has lots of it!Crimea has lots of it! So, get the gas, play a role on the world stage.

And what is the role the of the EU association talks with Moldova? Transnitstria, of course. ...

And what do they want? Do they want Russia to Nuke the US? Or do they want the US to nuke Russia? Or rather, to blame the US for nuking Russia.

If you listen closely, you will hear talk about crossing a certain line and then certain places are considered fair game. But on the whole, the major targets are in EU. At least, Putin does not fall for the ploy, for now.

There is talk the U-war will escalate within 6 months or so. Interestingly, that would put us in December/ January 2025. (Elections on nov 5th, inauguration on jan.20 12:00). And the EU is pushing for Ukraine association with EU. Full membership!The Dutch in a referendum called it rubbish and denied the right to association.

Could a newly elected President be destabilized?

What do you think?