We have the right to remove SCOTUS Justices that do not uphold their oath and the Constitution. The real litmus test, as set forth by our founders, was that in all cases the Justices had to use the Constitution, as it was originally intended, as the guide to rule on the case. No politics, no political biases, nothing.
If they do any different, they betray the oath they took, and their rulings are null and void, just like any laws repugnant to the constitution.
We have the right to remove SCOTUS Justices that do not uphold their oath and the Constitution. The real litmus test, as set forth by our founders, was that in all cases the Justices had to use the Constitution, as it was originally intended, as the guide to rule on the case. No politics, no political biases, nothing.
If they do any different, they betray the oath they took, and their rulings are null and void, just like any laws repugnant to the constitution.