posted ago by CalantheValentine ago by CalantheValentine +65 / -0

Jack Smith is blatantly giving his middle finger to SCOTUS if this is true. The rule of law matters little to them. They will stop at nothing and burn the empire to ashes before they relinquish power.

Trump stated to his enemies. Be careful what you do the next 5 months. I trust God and I trust Trump.

I listen to Scott Kesterson on Bards Fm every so often. I wanted to hear his take on recent events. He has mentioned nothing except he is knocking Trump heavily now, and telling his audience to vote for Jesus. He’s not who I thought he was.

I am ready for bed. My man is laying next to me on his phone being entertained by something funny. He’s laughing. I’m lying here thinking of all this crap. lol.

I think of the fear and certainty of death when our patriots of past declared their independence to England. Can you honestly imagine what they were feeling? Most of the country did not want to rebel. They were fearful. They just wanted to continue to live their lives. Personally, right now I feel a whisper of what they must have felt.

May God Bless Us All