Here's the link to the article:
The whole article is worth reading (there's even a "QAnon" call-out), but this part is quite frankly disturbing:
I followed the First Lady’s gaze and found the president. Now I understood her panicked expression.
Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. Bernie Sanders is old. Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth.
This was true even in 2020. His face had then an uncanny valley quality that injectable aficionados call “low trust” — if only by millimeters, his cosmetically altered proportions knocked his overall facial harmony into the realm of the improbable. His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare, which sometimes raised alarm on social media when documented in official videos produced by the White House. The administration was above conspiratorial chitchat that entertained seriously scenarios in which the president was suffering from a shocking decline most Americans were not seeing. If the president was being portrayed that way, it was by his political enemies on the right, who promoted through what the press office termed “cheap fakes” a caricature of an addled creature unfit to serve. They would not dignify those people, or people doing the bidding of those people, with a response.
This goes well beyond suggesting the pResident is old or suffering from dementia.
We are officially in masks & clones territory now. Saying someone does not look "plausible" is really something else. Is the author trying to say "That motherfucker ain't real!"? This is rather shocking to read in a Democratic Party media outlet.
Many have suggested that Biden is an actor in a mask. @Kabamur_Taygeta has been consistent in saying that the Biden we see is actually several different clones. We seem to be in very strange times so the suggestion that "Bidan" is a clone should not be dismissed entirely, especially since it explains why one day Bidan can have blue eyes and brown eyes another. You'd think it would be the same actor in the same mask if this was just a Mission Impossible thing. However, perhaps the White Hats are deliberately doing this to wake people up. However, in Kab's telling, the White Hats are not doing the cloning, the Black Hats are; and they control the White House.
Strange stuff, but after all, our previous suspicion that Biden is not in charge and that a shadowy cabal is controlling the White House would seem to be proven correct. And in this very article, as I mentioned earlier, Q and anons are given credit for calling this shit years ago. But now we have some strange bedfellows:
Who was actually in charge? Nobody knew. But surely someone was in charge? And surely there must be a plan, since surely this situation could not endure? I heard these questions posed at cocktail parties on the coasts but also at MAGA rallies in Middle America. There emerged a comical overlap between the beliefs of the nation’s most elite liberal Biden supporters and the beliefs of the most rabid and conspiratorial supporters of former President Trump. Resistance or QAnon, they shared a grand theory of America in 2024: There has to be a secret group of high-level government leaders who control Biden and who will soon set into motion their plan to replace Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee. Nothing else made sense. They were in full agreement.
Just something to chew on, but either it way it seems like Biden's days are numbered.
The problem with the clone and mask idea is Jill. She would have to know. And perhaps she does. But what leverage makes her compliant? Do this or we'll execute both of you for stealing the Presidency? Maybe.
I think he's simply old, with many of the attendant problems of age. Compounded by decades of surgery to save his looks. Age is a bitch and does things to a person. Also, evil works its way out over time.
I agree. I think the author is using embellished language, and many people on this site are too eager to over-analyze the words used.